Liste Board of Knowledge Givere
Liss Tustervatn
Biographical Info
Universell Hvit Tids Healing
Lærer for Universell hvit tids healing elevkurs 1
Beyond 1-5
Board of Knowledge 1-4
Kirurgisk Healing: 1
Universell Hvit Tids Healing: 1-4 (Healer Excellent for Universet)
Net Kurs 1-9 1/2
UHTH Ny-Initiering Kurs 1-4
Categories: Beyond utdannelse, Board of Knowledge Givere, Kirurgisk Healing, Lærer Universell Hvit Tids Healing, Nord-Trøndelag, UHTH Ny-Initiering, Universell Hvit Tids Healing